By sober - 10/07/2012 03:40 - United States - Hillsborough

Today, I told my boyfriend that I was going to stop drinking, since I have been having some problems with alcohol and some of my relatives are alcoholics. He later broke up with me, saying he couldn't be with someone who "chose to be boring." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 066
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

callie123amy 4

He is the boring one because he thinks you need alcohol to have a good time!

I'm sorry OP. Don't listen to that turtle dick. I know plenty of exciting sober people. Good for you for making an effort! Good luck!


Yes OP, way to go ! Drugs are so much fun !

I bet you're sad because of the break-up. Get a drink !

disc120 2

That's what you get for dating a douchebag.

This is a good example of a blessing in disguise and I'm sure you'll realize that sooner or later. Good for you!

Sometimes when people make comments they are actually speaking volumes about themselves. I don't have enough information to know if your boyfriend is any of the names that he has been called thus far in this thread. I do however think that there is a reasonable possibility that he's the one that feels boring when he's not drinking. If you're getting sober it would be very difficult and indeed counterproductive to be in a relationship with someone who is drinking in a manner that doesn't work for you. At the end of the day, it's your decision to get sober regardless of what anybody thinks, good or bad. The plus side for you in terms of dating is that we tend to attract what we are. Right now you're attracting men who drink. As you sober up you'll probably start to attract men who are also interested in being sober. Good luck!

I wonder how you got to that conclusion when the ex says that SHE chose to be boring by being sober. He clearly thinks that she is not an interesting person if she does not get drunk which says a lot of his own level of maturity. That he feels boring when sober is a possibility although I doubt he sees himself like that. Someone who feels the need to be intoxicated to be entertained clearly has a dependence issue but usually thinks he is just cool and funny. Even if that is not the case, what type of person does not support you in this situation? She believes she might turn into an alcoholic if she does not stop drinking and the guy dumps her? As for attracting men who do or do not drink, I don’t think it’s based on if we do it ourselves or not. I am a tee-total and my fiancé enjoy his drinks. I met him at a party when I was perfectly sober and himself was having a few drinks with his mates. That didn’t prevent him from coming to talk to me and later ask me on a date… When we go out, he will have a few pints and I will stick to soft drinks. It’s never been an issue for us (and in case you’re wondering, that does not suit him because I can drive him around, since we always take public transports in these occasions :))

I came to that conclusion because it would be easier for him to project his own fears and insecurities on to her rather than admit that he might also have a problem. Truthfully, there is the possibility that the OP was dumped for other reasons which are not stated the not drinking could have been a red herring. I wasn't implying that being sober means that the OP is going to wind up dating someone who is also sober but the odds do go up. What it means to me is that if she' sober she's probably not going to want to be in a relationship with someone who has issues with alcohol.

thecritic578 4
noisebox 1

He's a retard- being sober now you'll see it for yourself......