By brokenhearted - 19/01/2016 14:59 - Sweden - Kung?lv

Today, I told my boyfriend he's the only good thing left in my life. That's not a healthy relationship dynamic, he said, and ended up breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 039
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a pretty bad thing to do at a time like that... But he is right(about the dynamic part). I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but you aren't alone. I can say from experience that it gets better, and you come out stronger in the end.


Happened to me recently. He was actually the only good thing left and he wanted a "break". Go die you douche

As much as I sympathise with you, I would have done the same. depending on one person solely is not healthy, for either party. I've been thru it before. good luck with everything OP

There is something really wrong with that guy for sure

thats interessting, i went through the exact opposite. my ex girlfriend told me i'm the only good thing in her life (her moms horrible, she has a nasty desease, shes got no job and a severe depression) and that she's dragging me down and doesnt want to ruin my life. therefore she broke up with me, never mind that i loved her and wanted to be there for and help her. i feel sorry for you and hope your life goes uphill from now and that youll find a boyfriend who actually cares for you instead of seeing you as an accessory that needs to meet certain standards