By brokenhearted - 19/01/2016 14:59 - Sweden - Kung?lv

Today, I told my boyfriend he's the only good thing left in my life. That's not a healthy relationship dynamic, he said, and ended up breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 038
You deserved it 3 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a pretty bad thing to do at a time like that... But he is right(about the dynamic part). I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but you aren't alone. I can say from experience that it gets better, and you come out stronger in the end.


What a dick move. You can find someone better who will treat you much better and help you out when you feel depressed.

He's not wrong. In order to have a healthy relationship you need to make sure you have more than one healthy dynamic in your life.

Yeah... I've been in a relationship like that before, where the only thing keeping me in it was his guilt-trips over how I was his last and only option. Me sacrificing myself by holding on for a few extra months past that did nothing to help neither him nor myself. His timing may not have been great, but he is right, that's not a solid basis for a healthy relationship. It doesn't make it suck any less for you OP, but hopefully you can get the help you need. I wouldn't count on resuming things with him, but that said I wouldn't rule it out either.

He is right and personally if my partner said that to me, it would stress me out. I don't want to be the one good thing you have going for you. On that though, I don't think ending the relationship is the only way to solve the problem, would have been good for you and him to discuss what's going on in your life and to figure out ways to make it better. Sorry OP, hope things get better for you and hope you end up with many reasons to be happy.

You should take some time out and work on yourself now so next time your boyfriend won't be the only good thing in your life. You're important OP, don't ever forget that.

That's a lot of pressure to put on a person. It seems he couldn't handle it. Might have been better to say he was the best thing in your life rather than the ONLY good thing.

That sucks so much OP but just remember that many great new beginnings are disguised as sad endings. Best wishes!

Mathalamus 24

while he may have a good point, it seriously wasn't the good time. he should have tried tio find you a friend or three, and then broke up, if he was gonna do so anyway.

That's not good advice. You can't plan a relationship that way because then it'll always be "I'll break up with them when I do xyz." Plus the longer the relationship goes on the more likely that the unhealthy dynamic is growing.

Why is it his job to find her a friend? I'd be very surprised if he was suddenly the only person in her life, chances are this has been going on for a long time. The op should make some friends and become more social but that is something for her to do herself not for others to do for them.