By ripdivine - 24/02/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I stopped at a lemonade stand on my way to work. A cute little girl handed me a mouthwash-sized cup of juice, and her adorable little brother told me it would be $.25. All I had was a $20. He shoved it into his overalls pocket, looked up with huge brown eyes and just said "Thank you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 302
You deserved it 56 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the economy is rough. lemonade is expensive.

Awwww. $20 well spent, IMO. You made that kids day.


toshiro10div 0

i would have asked for my change and if he said no i would have trashed the stand and give him an ass kicking

xParalysis 0

Why did you go to a lemonade stand with just a $20? YDI.

if u let them keep it than know that they will remember your kindness for years and u will have done something good, if u didn't than ur an ass

get fkin owned o-o gotta love it when little kids use the fact that they're cute to get whatever they want

BoWZeR 1

haha I woulda said "hey asshole give me more juice"

Incronaut 0

its mouth-washed size, you got this

YDI for assuming a lil kid selling lemonade at 25c each would have change for a 20, or even know how to make change for a 20. But I bet you made those kids' day!