By badass - 13/08/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, I started to fall in love with my wife again. We are in the middle of a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 410
You deserved it 18 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try winning her back, if she's comfortable with you though or if she wants to be with you..


Aww D: that happened to me with my ex, but it was after we separated.

Try telling her that you love her, things may get better if you talked to her.

Do not do that. Make a clean break. Get the divorce. Try to be as amiable to her as you can, and if you have any kids with her, focus on your kids. Otherwise, she is a part of your past; but do not, repeat NOT allow her to be a significant part of your future. I have never made the mistake of marrying; but my baby's mother has actually told me to my face that she was dating gangsters at times. I told her that if they ever came near my daughter, those gangsters would die. I know my kid's grandfather won't stand for that either (they both live with him); but since then, I know she dates whoever she ******* wants. She's a huge ****. If a woman is no good, let her go, you'll find something better in the end. Your focus should be your kids if you have any with her. Otherwise, just move on.

Batman846 0

So tell her right away bub!!!!!!!!!!!

it's never to late! if you truly love her, don't let silly things like divorces or the law get in the way. :P

That just means you shouldn't be getting a divorce.