By badass - 13/08/2011 07:25 - United States

Today, I started to fall in love with my wife again. We are in the middle of a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 410
You deserved it 18 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

try winning her back, if she's comfortable with you though or if she wants to be with you..


You know, I've been saying for years that a lack of lust is a bad reason for a divorce. Glad someone else figured it out. Good luck with your marriage.

Shelberry16 0

oh no I'm so sorry, that's devastating...tell her..

storm1217 5

Well it didn't work the first time.....

it's probably not love, your probably horny and can't get any.

Apologize and turn a new leaf, talk it over and sort out all your problems.

Let her know how you feel... Maybe she is having the same thoughts...

stick it in her bum! that will get her attention and save your marRAGE!

#20 that's very stupid. You don't stay just for kids, they can pick up on the tension and that could affect them.