By anonymous - 05/04/2011 18:13 - United States

Today, I spent six hours driving between two airports to try and catch my flight. Two trailer accidents, two construction zones, three detours, and one police escort later, the airline wouldn't let me on the plane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 015
You deserved it 3 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your name Robert Downey Jr or Zach Galifianakis by any chance?

Someones trying to stop you getting on that plane Op. ;)


And why wouldn't they let you on the plane?

mintcar 9

Walk... and if you're traveling overseas, swim. Logic OP, use it.

lmaoatall 6

well duuh, after working the two trailors, the entire construction site, and the police, you must have stank something awful. no, I wouldn't let you on either. not unless you showered. we know what really happened. don't be coy with us.

awardZu 0

The only place the cops escort Charlie Sheen is to his cell.

Now that sucks! FYL for sure. Although I can't help but wonder how you got a police escort.

TheDrifter 23

I'm going to assume they were doing traffic control and escorting lines of traffic.

how the **** did you get a police escort

They never said the police escort was for them.

awardZu 0

I once picked up a cop dressed as an escort... Try explaining that to the judge.

Don't forget the obligatory steamy sex scene with the hottie they save from one of the car wrecks.

Is it a police CHASE you're speaking of? After all, a 6h distance between two flights requires some sort of intoxication to be present during planning, and therefore most likely afterwards also, which would cause police interest.