By halloweensucks - 01/11/2010 01:08 - United States

Today, I spent over an hour decorating my house for trick or treaters. I never got one person at my door because I forgot to unlock my gate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 35 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

That must have been a mindfuck for the trick-or-treaters. "Let's go over to this creepy house" *tugs at the gate* "WTF?"

Wow, a whole hour? You wasted a whole hour! In that time you could have written a novel, designed a more fuel-efficient engine, cured cancer, solved world hunger, tamed a lion, learned to fly, AND looked at ****. What a waste.


davdude12 0

boo friction hoo shut up and clean up, you should of decorated earlier this month

I think I was there! thanks for nothing!!!

Zombie65 0

ah ha that's an idea for next year lock the gate and keep all the little monsters out I like that thanks lol

******* rich people with there high expectations, big houses, and ******* gates around their houses

Staige40 0

that's what you get for having a Gate

An hour? My dad and I spend over 2 days doing holloween