By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend of three and a half years a text message spilling my heart out, saying I'll love him forever, and how much I appreciate him in my life, that I want to be the mother of his children, etc. His text back to me? "Are you drunk?!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 067
You deserved it 67 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..


That's the first thing I would ask too. You should probably tell him in person about that instead of through a text message. Maybe you should of added a smiley face at the end of it. :)

Just be careful about what you write in a text message,... It just sounds like you're rushing things. If you just told him how much you loved him maybe he wouldn't have said that.

Durr. I've got a 4.5yr relationship and my boyfriend would react the same way if I sent him such a text out of the blue. You sent him a very random-looking text, he wondered where that came from, voila. Saying you want someone's babies is not something you do via text message. This isn't even an FML. It's just a normal reaction to an awkward text.

Herbal_fml 0

Dude. Text. LAME. That's almost worst than breaking up someone via text. You say those deep intense feelings FACE TO FACE. Otherwise you just seem drunk and stupid. Gah. What is up with people abusing technology.

not usually the kind of thing you'd say in a text more in person and you were either drunk pmsing or in need of an over abundance of chocolate

That's super random. At least he didn't break up with you for sending him such an over the top text.

dspadres 0

This is about that time when I'd back out of the relationship.