By Anonymous - 25/02/2011 06:40 - Australia

Today, I sent an email to a girl I like about how I really feel about her. She later replied "Real funny, tell Michael to change his password!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 140
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zourwolfe 0

tell her that you aren't joking o.O and try telling it to her face next time. girls like a boy with balls.

Acousticpixie14 6

Dude, tell her to her face. The girl wants a MAN not a boy.


My dumb older brother used to make this same mistake. Look, set yourself a rule: NEVER blurt out your feelings to someone via email. Just don't do it.

MuchDance90s 0

telling her over email is unacceptable unless you live thousands of miles away without telephone access

beachlova910 0

An email? Really? ******' loser. No wonder you did not get results. Tell her in person you fucktard. ... Good luck though! :D

One more thing to add to your list of "things not to do."

Has this happened before? If you let your friends mess with your stuff, no one will take you seriously. Or it could be that she doesn't like you.

fiveonefiveoh 0

dude, NEVER directly tell a girl how u feel! it needs to be hinted with flirtation.. also, don't ever ask a girl out thru the Internet! do it in person.. unless u met her online :p and if u must let her know u like her directly, kiss her (when the moment feels right), as if in a moment of passion.. but the setting must b right!

quinz 4

I'd rather a guy be direct, personally. It's annoying when you're not sure if a guy likes you or is just a flirt. But I have to agree with the internet thing.

fiveonefiveoh 0

no. ud rather a guy **u like** to b direct.

sarcdude 3

Being direct helps nothing. There's no point to talking to girls. It's better to die alone.

Is ur name micheal? If it ain't ur a friggin idiot

jklpuzo 2