By ThaBoss12 - 01/11/2014 22:22 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I saw what my mom handed out for trick-or-treaters last night. Toothbrushes. Yup, we're that house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 759
You deserved it 3 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've heard of apples and granola bars, but toothbrushes are the next level!


Im comming back soon, just gotta buy eggs and toilet paper

Not that bad... I once went to a house that gave out pocket bibles and the owner have a speech about how Halloween was the Devils holiday and I was a sinner for going trick or treating lmao

Throw the bible back and summon demons to eat his eternal soul.

I would be super excited if I got a toothbrush even as a child. Sounds like your mother is brilliant, Work with so many children having food allergies

My brother has food allergies. That's why she doesn't give out candy, so he won't be tempted to eat some. Still sucks to be known as the lamest house in the neighborhood..

I got hubba Bubba from a sweet old lady one year.

I really hate the trick part of Halloween though - you should not be punished for not giving free sweets to people. It is blackmail and can be really upsetting.

LostInTheZone11 29

The only time a toothbrush is ok to get, if if you also got those Mary Jane Peanut Butter Kisses. (Those Orange and Black wrapped candies.) Because, then you are gonna need the brush to get those crap candies out of your mouth.

Sounds like your mom cares about dental hygiene.

I loved getting toothbrushes when I went Trick or Treating as a kid. I saw a few in some buckets this year as I was handing out candy, and was kind of jealous that my kids didn't find that house to get one. They also love getting new toothbrushes.