By Tom - 26/06/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, I rushed home to tell my parents my girlfriend had accepted my proposal. They asked how I could be so selfish at a time like this. Apparently, Michael Jackson's death is more important than their son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 863
You deserved it 6 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, MJ's death was big news but family comes first.

Congrats! Soon you'll have a new family anyway.


Vampire_princess 0


He was found NOT GUILTY for all those charges. Bunch of ignorant jerks. You're parents should have cared more though. FYL

Komatose 0

OJ was found not guilty too. Not guilty doesn't mean MJ didn't do it, it just means he got away with it. The only reason you think he didn't do it is because you don't want him to have done it. I respect him as an amazing artist, but that doesn't mean he was innocent. Dying doesn't make him a good person. It just makes him dead.

MJ is alive... Shooting hoops. Michael Jordan...

When I was younger I actually used to confuse the two of them. Once my brother was complaining that he sucked at basketball. I told him that he just started and nobody expected him to be like Michael Jackson. I gave him and my mom a good laugh

A girl can accept ur proposal more than once, but MJ can't die more than once.. RIP MJ...

Off topic... when did Micheal Jackson die?

laurisshnazzy 0

Today (well, yesterday, technically. June 25). Cardiac arrest.

Ouch. That sucks man. It's not like they knew him personally so as much as they can feel bad for his passing it should in no way be bigger new than your proposal. Anyway, laughter is the best medicine. So Michael jackson announces a 50 day tour, takes all the money and then dies? You've been hit by a smooth criminal !

nxkftw 0

Something similar happened to my father. He was in the Navy and got some shore leave so he surprised his girlfriend and his family with a visit. Elvis Presley's death was more important than his return...

we have our one Michael Jackson "fml" no more

Wow your parents are complete fools. MJ never did anything important for the world and I doubt your parents knew him so who knows why they care more about his death then your life.

laurisshnazzy 0

Never did anything important? Wow. He created boy bands, he started music videos, and he became an iconic figure in the musical industry not only as a pop star, but as a dancer as well. And, of course, all of these contributed to the musical industry to shape it into what it is today. What rock have you been hiding under?

I'm not sure if creating boy bands is a plus. In fact, I know it's not.

MsSippi 0

dude, not cool I'm not obsessed with michael jackson, hell i know he's a freaking pedophile but have a little respect. As you can see, some people are a little...obsessive with him on this sight, so don't go and write posts just to piss people off

laurisshnazzy 0

Hahaha #119. I'm not a fan of boy bands myself, but they were nonetheless a trend of music at one point. I see your point though :P