By Anonymous - 25/05/2012 17:56 - United Kingdom

Today, I replaced my car's windscreen wipers, after someone stole the last pair. After I finished, I went indoors for a drink. When I returned, the new ones had been stolen too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 577
You deserved it 2 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, here's the plan.. put on some new wipers, but rig them to electrocute the thief. That'll show him! Just.. make sure you don't touch them. Or get them wet. Okay, this is a bad idea, so never mind.

No one is stealing them. Your car is a transformer, and he hates the ones you buy for him, so every time you leave, he chucks them as far away as possible, then turns into a car again.


picklemonger 13

Jesus Christ! Where do you live? Russia???

This is why people should be allowed to own guns more freely in the UK. If you want to steal my wiper blades, that's fine, but you might find a couple cartridges of 00 buck in your face.

AntonioMontana 0

UK is a joke to us in America.. Just so you know, "chap".

OP, you've obviously never been to /b/ ;).

BellaMarta 19

Why would anyone steal windshield wipers? They're not that expensive!

Fonze13 0

Maybe he needed new ones and the ones he stoled first got stoled form him

AntonioMontana 0

Marinate your wind shield in a cocktail of poison ivy, urine, saliva and fecal matter. That'll teach em'!

Keiren 14

Who the hell steals windshield wipers? Unless maybe they're cosplaying as Heartless Shadows and need 'em for a crappy set of antennae.

AntonioMontana 0

FYL if that's really what your face looks like..