By okaydisarray - 22/03/2016 20:23 - United States - Dayton

Today, I received a letter from an eBay seller for whom I recently left an honest, negative review. I don't know what I was expecting, but I certainly wasn't ready for what spilled out coating my jeans, shoes, and brand new carpet: Glitter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 599
You deserved it 3 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's a pain in the neck to clean up but at least it's better than anthrax.

ship your enemies glitter is a beautiful thing

At least it wasn't ticking and contained shrapnel.

Probably poor choice on timing for that comment dude, that's kinda a touchy subject for a lot of people given the stuff that's gone down in the last 48 hours. Just saying.

I am aware, and maybe the timing was off. But I only meant what I said in the sense that glitter can be cleaned up and a carpet, pants and shoes can be replaced, if necessary. A life, however, cannot.

I'm assuming that there was a return address on the envelope and a cancelled stamp with the same zip code from the eBay seller. Of course that would be idiotic to do that, but I've seen dumber things happen.

craft herpes. that's going to follow you for weeks. sorry op.

hilamonster06 21

I feel your pain. That is what's call a glitter bomb. It's happened to me a couple times. I guess I'm a complete asshole. sorry.

Really? Report him for glitter? Pffft.

yellowzinnias 20

Um, no...for breaking Ebay TOS. Also, you clearly have never had to clean up a LOT of glitter, especially out of carpet.

Yeah the glitter was retaliation for reporting him.

Wait is that seriously a thing?! Can you specify the poop type?

Maybe he just wanted to thank you for your positive criticism. What better to celebrate with than glitter?