By Anonymous - 16/07/2016 09:34 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, a customer tried to return some pricey lingerie. She said she didn't have the packaging, but had never worn them. The skidmark I accidentally touched begged to differ. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 671
You deserved it 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are absolutely disgusting and do not know when to stop. I hope you showed her those marks..I wonder what excuse she will come up with.

That's nasty. Hope you declined to return that. Yuck.


That's nasty. Hope you declined to return that. Yuck.

Who leaves a skid mark the first time they wear something?... That they intend to return?

Some people are absolutely disgusting and do not know when to stop. I hope you showed her those marks..I wonder what excuse she will come up with.

nonsensical 26

"It came like that! Why do you think I want to return it?" There's always an excuse.

There's only one thing you can do now: burn your hand. Just burn it off.

The company I work for will not accept underwear for refunds for this exact reason whether they're unopened or not.

You touched the skidmark? That sounds shitty.

Some people just don't understand a thing called "hygiene" that others find necessary.

Sounds like she needs some lessons on how to wipe. That's disgusting!