By Anonymous - 22/03/2016 18:37 - Puerto Rico - San Juan

Today, and the 4 months preceding it, my neighbors had been remodeling their house, which meant jackhammer noises every morning. The one day they take a break, my other neighbor decides to start a remodeling project. It'll only be two more months of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 310
You deserved it 1 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And another two months later you decide to remodel!! FYL!

Soundproof walls and windows might be a nice project for you guys to invest in


And another two months later you decide to remodel!! FYL!

We've been going through this for the past couple of years, on and off, in our building! Every time someone moves out, they tear up everything. Eventually, it'll stop. Mught want to invest in a pait of noise cancelling headphones. Hang in there OP!

Soundproof walls and windows might be a nice project for you guys to invest in

Sure, let's just bust out the jackhammer for that project now.

It sounds like you already have a construction site to hide the bodies in... No officer, I haven't seen Mr. Rogers for weeks.

Erdricks_Sword 9

these "You deserved it" people, am I right. that sucks tho

blueyekai 17

It's usually by accident, a lot of times on mobile you can click the wrong one

Wow OP!! Sounds like you need to sound proof walls!!

saffy66 34

I'm hearing you. There's a house going up over the road - it's into its ninth month. They start hammering, sawing and drilling around 7am. I start night shifts in a few weeks - bye bye sleep :(

Aren't there laws about what time you can start doing construction... noise laws? Something?! If not... invest in ear plugs. Good luck

Yeah, 7 AM is a common time for when you are allowed to start in a residential zone.

mariri9206 32

I feel your pain - a new complex is being built by me and, for months, all I could hear was the noise of their power tools and work and their work made my home shake. It was the worst! I'm just glad they're far enough along now that I don't have to deal with any of that.

Look at the bright side, you're over halfway through it.