By Anonymous - 18/12/2018 12:00

Today, after two years of hard work, I finished writing my novel dedicated to my father. I timed everything so that the paperback would arrive at his house just before Christmas, then I booked a flight to surprise him so I could see his reaction in person. He just texted me, my mom told him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 296
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I don't know if this was a case of really unfortunate miscommunication or if your mum is a huge binch. Anyway I'm really sorry, OP. Luckily, with books it's really what's inside that counts, and you can still get to experience his reaction to your writing as it unfolds.

As a person whose mother also can’t keep a secret, I am so sorry OP. Hopefully your dad still enjoys your masterpiece!


Wow, I don't know if this was a case of really unfortunate miscommunication or if your mum is a huge binch. Anyway I'm really sorry, OP. Luckily, with books it's really what's inside that counts, and you can still get to experience his reaction to your writing as it unfolds.

As a person whose mother also can’t keep a secret, I am so sorry OP. Hopefully your dad still enjoys your masterpiece!

Itsbeenalong 5

Maybe you should have dedicated it to your mum AND dad.......

PenguinPal3017 19

It sounds like the mother doesn't deserve it.

I feel like you’ve over thought this. Wouldn’t wrapping it up and giving it to him in person still allow you to see his reaction and negate the need for secrecy and perfect timing?

Unless shipping to OP then going didn’t work. Cuz books don’t just magically become available when their finished. The book probably came available at a time that made more sense to ship it to the dad than to OP.

tounces7 27

Well now we know why you didn't dedicate it to your mother.


You are a great daughter! If my daughter did that for me it would mean the world to me weather the surprise was ruined or not would not matter !