By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 10:44 - Malaysia

Today, one of my teachers asked me to babysit their kids saturday night. She didn't forget that it was Prom night, she was going to chaperone it. My teacher assumed I wasn't invited to Prom... I wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 759
You deserved it 5 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm confused. Unless you're not a senior (well even that depends on where you live), why would you need to be invited?


I've read a few FMLs like this one. I wasn't invited to prom either. It's life and it sucks when this kind of thing happens.

I'm confused. Unless you're not a senior (well even that depends on where you live), why would you need to be invited?

TheCurlyTheory 0

That's what I was thinking ! Everyone is invited to prom ? This doesn't make sense to me lol.

countryb_cth 38

I think she means she wasn't invited to prom by a guy or by her friends to do a stag sort of thing.

Honestly, I'd rather MAKE some money than spend all mine (or my parents) money on a dance you'll spend 10 minutes at then the rest of the night drinking and boning in some cheap motel. I know, the ladies love their prom. It's one of the million "have-to's" on the chick-list. But I ******* hated prom. Every. Time. I. Went. In my opinion, don't skip that part... OPINION (underlined, highlighted and circled) you lucked out, but I'm sure the prom means something particularly special to you.

@ #7 I'm a guy, I had a lot of fun at my prom. My date was just one of my friends, we just went to the dance, all went back to a friends house, and it was just good times. It was a lot of fun.

mj2123 0

I'm with #6 - unless you also have no friends to go with, you don't need a date.

BAAW BAW BAW I DIDNT GO TO PROM BAW BAW BAW. not that big of a deal.