By Anonymous - 14/02/2018 08:30

Today, I asked my boyfriend of 7 months to come over on Valentine's Day so I can cook dinner for him. He asked if he could invite his wife over as well. Guess who's newly single right before Valentine's Day! FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 549
You deserved it 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he know that he was your boyfriend?

DraftHail614 17

So... either he really had no clue you thought of him as a boyfriend, or... yeah, no. I got nothing. Not one of those "glass is half full" kind of guy either.


I try to be open minded about the stuff posted on here but I just can't imagine this ever happening

Did he know that he was your boyfriend?

Look on the bright side. More food for you.

Bummer for you, better luck with the next guy. Now the next question. Should you let her know?

incoming_pudding 9

If I were the wife I'd want someone to tell me... same way as if I were the "girlfriend" the first thing I'd be doing is telling the wife! Then again I find it hard to believe that OP didn't have a clue about him being married, it might just be me being over sceptical but surely there must have been some red flags?

DraftHail614 17

So... either he really had no clue you thought of him as a boyfriend, or... yeah, no. I got nothing. Not one of those "glass is half full" kind of guy either.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

maybe he and his wife were poly and looking for a new partner and thought this was a good way to drop the bomb on her?

I would have said yes and let her know when they came to dinner so he also would have been newly single, not for your benefit but for his wife. I know his wife is not your problem but if I were being cheated on, I'd want to know so I can handle it

Unless he has an IQ in the single digits, he's not going to ask his wife to dinner with a girl with whom he's cheating on her. More likely, they have some sort of open relationship.

Or they never made it clear that they are dating. Maybe he thought that they were just friends.

His wife? You hope to win him over with your cooking so he’ll dump her for you? That’s an audacious plan!

Chris_1163187222 15

I'm so confused. Did he know he was your boyfriend for 7 months? How far do you live apart? Have you had contact these 7 months? Was he married before these 7 months or did he just get married? If so didn't you notice a change in his behaviour or his mentioning of a new wife? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED THERE????

Lobby_Bee 17

Sounds like he has put you in the friend zone all this time.