By box butt - 07/03/2017 00:00

Today, after much dieting and exercise, I can proudly say that my love handles are now bigger than my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 392
You deserved it 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be discouraged OP. The body doesn't necessarily go to slim and sexy right away. It might just be a transitioning phase. Some people bulk up a bit before they lose it. You'll get there, just don't give up. I believe in you.

kynsia 1

bodytypes are a thing, but try some butt-specific exercise!


kynsia 1

bodytypes are a thing, but try some butt-specific exercise!

Is that the Popeye's Fried Chicken diet where the exercise plan is mostly binge-watching?

Don't be discouraged OP. The body doesn't necessarily go to slim and sexy right away. It might just be a transitioning phase. Some people bulk up a bit before they lose it. You'll get there, just don't give up. I believe in you.

alternative-facts 6

Don't be disheartened. The midsection is often the most difficult place to lose weight. If you've lost anything you're ahead of the game. Keep up the great work!

don't worry that happened to me too. I lost weight first in my face, thighs, & butt then slowly my stomach started to shrink.

Now change your regime and work on it again. It could help.

At least you're likely to lose them if you keep going. When I ate healthy and exercised all I got was 30 pounds, not in muscle.

The human body is not a magical weight producing machine.. if you follow your diet and exercise properly you will lose weight. If you don't then I'm calling you a liar.