By bananamuffin - 30/03/2012 19:13 - United States

Today, I realized that the "holla" tattoo I stupidly got on my lower lip five years ago isn't fading as I expected it to, and will probably contribute to my unemployment for years to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 009
You deserved it 74 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiran_fml 5

Why would you EVER consider doing that??

at least youve come to grips with the stupidity of your purchase!


un0m3 14

seriously What did you think was going to happen.

Have you tried covering it with make-up for these interviews?

How? Are you pulling down your lower lip fir everyone to see everytime you speak?

mollysaysrawr_fml 7
oldirtybasterdSE 0

..have you ever seen what a removed tattoo looks like or how painful it is!? not only do I doubt anyone would agree to attempt removing a lip tatt but im sure the resulting scar would be hideous!

Make_Lemonade 13

Back in the late 80s, it became really trendy for women who could afford it to get permanent makeup. Perhaps you could seek out a cosmetic surgeon and have permanent lipstick applied. I'm fairly certain it's just a form of tattooing, but at least the "Holla" will be covered.

Tattoos don't fade in 5 years dumbass

bigdude1302 2

You know tattoos are permanent right? As in never ever goes away!!!!