By Matt - 15/10/2009 23:17 - United States

Today, I realized that choosing to live in the honors dorms was a terrible mistake. Quiet hours start at 6 PM and the only exception is if you are a member of the university marching band, which means you can practice your instrument at anytime in the lounge... located next to my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 149
You deserved it 4 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask for a transfer... ...Otherwise, earplugs might work. Quiet hours, though? Tell your preschool teacher that you don't want naptime. Hold your breathe and stomp your feet until she lets you make some NOYZE, biznatch.

Tasers don't make much noise... can you use them after 6pm? Don't be a victim.


now that freaking sucks! sooooo,um, new school?

Ask for a transfer... ...Otherwise, earplugs might work. Quiet hours, though? Tell your preschool teacher that you don't want naptime. Hold your breathe and stomp your feet until she lets you make some NOYZE, biznatch.

It's the Honors building for a reason. If the OP was complaining about the 'quiet hours' he wouldn't have moved into that building in the first place. Colleges don't FORCE you to move into the Honor's building, it's an option given to students who are in high enough classes and make good enough grades, so they can be in an environment where they don't have to worry about students in nearby dorms playing their music loud or throwing parties. OP, that sucks major balls. I'd seriously take it up with the Dean, because that's punishing the students who work the hardest. If you talk to him rationally, he'll probably at least tweak the rules a little to have some hours that are fully quiet hours, with no band music.

what, they don't have practice rooms in the performing arts center?

This makes me feel alot better about my own life.

You should have gone to a Montessori University.

Tasers don't make much noise... can you use them after 6pm? Don't be a victim.