By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 17:20 - Romania

Today, I realized I have to choose between being unemployed or putting up with my perverted boss who desperately wants me. I'm a guy and so is he. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 365
You deserved it 3 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you have any HR reps? If not, QUIT. If he's making inappropriate advances I'm sure you could press charges. Make sure he's caught in the act!


Dude, sexual harassment regardless if he your boss get the evidence you need n proceed as victim

Document all the behavious that makes you uncomfortable and then file a sexual harassment complaint

gene818 13

Without hesitation, I'd choose unemployment.

Jewdazking23 5

hey, we can kill each others bosses!!!

Ok. This is probably not true. He probably just has homophobia and thinks he's really hot and pretends his boss wants him.

Report him threatning you and then go to the police.. :)

Squeaky_Tomato 14

I agree your life sucks! Getting hit on by anyone you're not interested in is awful, made worse when that person is your boss. However, welcome to what happens to most women.

Report him if it doesn't work kick him in the nuts.

Now you know how 50% of the employed female population feels every time they go to work, sucks huh?

Exactly. Grow a pair and tell your boss in no uncertain terms that he needs to cool his shit or there will be repercussions!