By unlovedfatty - 16/12/2010 01:01 - United States

Today, I reactivated my Facebook account, having not used it for three months. My "friends" didn't realize this. According to their recent status updates, I'm disgustingly fat, have a hook nose, and I'm secretly hated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 560
You deserved it 4 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss, although I'd rather know who I can and cannot trust. to hell with them. lol


why in heck did you get back on Facebook?You deleted it for a reason. Musta been the reason. Another question, why were you friends with them anyways? 

I wouldn't worry, you may be ugly but your friends are almost too stupid to live.

That happened to me too... Facebook sucks :(


dont feel bad some people are just a**holes and dont deserve friends and i dont even know you at all and i doubt your fat.

Awe, that's really evil. I'm sorry. I think you should find new friends.

rofl_mcdonald 0

what you dont see ur friends outside of facebook?


Wow... I wouldn't consider them 'friends' if they say that stuff about you....