By storyofmylife - 23/08/2009 02:41 - United States

Today, I spilled my heart out to a guy by showing him one of my poetry journals. He read through it and said, "Wow, I feel sorry for the guy you wrote about." The poems were all about how I loved him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 185
You deserved it 7 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never met a man that either a: liked sappy poetry or was b: able to read hidden meanings. Here's a hint........ just tell him outright! .... men, they may be pirates but they're crap at reading clues.


taoxyeuxmay 4

Geez, thank God you didnt tell him the poems were for him. How embarrassing would that have been.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that. (I've written poetry about guys before, but my friends that have seen it, all say it's really good.) Just ignore him. Unless you're writing stalkerish things like "I watch you sleep", etc, then it's really not creepy...find someone better. You deserve it.

Maybe he meant that he felt sorry for the guy because the guy was missing out on being with you. It could happen...

Yeah, but a lot of people don't know if they're being creepy or not. If she is, hooray wake up call. If not... holy shit girl, just tell him.

I've never met a man that either a: liked sappy poetry or was b: able to read hidden meanings. Here's a hint........ just tell him outright! .... men, they may be pirates but they're crap at reading clues.

Aw... that's sad. Sad day. This is why I don't show my boyfriend my poetry, even when he asks.

You should know your boyfriend a bit better... and he should be more supportive. She's probably writing some idealized mess about this guy and being disappointed when she finds he's not what she dreamed.

my friend writes poems about me too, except theyre about how much i piss her off sometimes. i cant appreciate them, so i don't have much to say about them/am prone to insulting them. but really im envious about how well she can use language to her advantage. (im more of a math geek. :D) don't give up hope OP! but be more direct, srsly.

I agree 100%. You can either just be writing a bunch of rambled, sappy words trying to pass for what you think is poetry, or you actually have a knack and appreciative side for writing. I'm just happy they had all the kids in my school study the greats and help us each find our own writing style. And learn to write and respect poetry.

nanoflacka 0

Haha. U should sat that u have one more him: Roses red Violets r blue Let's get in bed I'll f*ck u

What the **** is up with your inability to type in English? anyways, like mercyFML said, FYL if they were good, well-crafted poems, and YDI if they were just lovesick sappy pieces of "I love you I want you" shit.

noshitsherlock 0

That really sucks, but YDI. Too much, TOO SOON.