By WhoopteeDooDoo - 12/10/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, I pulled into the gas station to fill up only to realize I had forgot my wallet. By the time I went home, got it, and came back, the price had gone up eleven cents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 4 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm gonna go down on you And your gonna love it But then I'm gonna come back up And **** you crazy Lots of love, Gas prices xxxxx

gpd_deputy_1 6

Well, that's the United States for ya. I bet if you went back after writing this FML, you would find that the price increased once more. Or twice more. Who knows?


that is price gouging and from what I know is illegal for a gas station to change it more than 5 cents in one day.

As we pay $6 USD a gallon here, I weep in sympathy for your loss of 11c

someblackguy 3

GOD DAMN!!! where do you live??? dat shyt cray

iamslimshady 1

I really don't all the understand "damn that sucks" like someone kicked you in the genitals, or you got dumped on your wedding day. If you're empty and filling up a 15 gallon tank, you're out a whopping $1.65. Get a water next time you're at a restaurant instead of a soda and call it even.