By Were do we go... - 15/04/2012 04:24 - United States

Today, I played a game with my boyfriend. The point of the game is to write down everything you like about someone. I put down at least ten things for him. He had one thing down for me: my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 185
You deserved it 6 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like he may have been a little distracted during this game.

At least now you know why he's with you :( Sorry op


goliatron 9

That's not a game, that's a trap!

You know how guys are terrible at giving compliments or saying what they actually mean? Well maybe it's just me, but he could like everything about you but could of been to embarrassed to write it invade he looked soppy? I know a lot of guys like that :3

kay_princess14 7

Oh they don't bother me at all. At least you're being civil about it. I just find it ironic that people are accusing *me* of ignorance when they're not any more aware of some things than I am. Besides that, I can admit when I'm in the wrong, but I did nothing to deserve a guy who wouldn't pay for a taxi to take me to the hospital when I needed to be checked out and made me walk to get there instead. I may be the common denominator, but some guys are just assholes on their own.

HunterAlpha1 8

you should be grateful for this chance to see how the male brain works.

YDI for suggesting such an insecure, passive aggressive, compliment hunting game. I'm sure he was being honest.

bubo_fml 10

The next item on the list of ASSets is...?!?

you should b flattered. r to buisy thinking about **** to play stupid game

hateevryone 14

And you're surprised? That's how guys are these days. smh