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By NotFernMichaels - 28/07/2022 16:00 - United States - Red Lodge

Today, I received a package that I thought contained a textbook for law school, for which I paid $130 used. Instead, I received a paperback novel titled "The Nosy Neighbor" by Fern Michaels. My semester starts next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 902
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, how did you receive the package? If it was through Amazon or eBay you should be able to do a return and a it was not as described. If not bring the book and the packaging and the receipt to the bank and file a fraud complaint. You have 30 days for a debit card and 60 days for a credit card dispute.

That is the textbook! There is no better study of privacy and property law.


That is the textbook! There is no better study of privacy and property law.

OP, how did you receive the package? If it was through Amazon or eBay you should be able to do a return and a it was not as described. If not bring the book and the packaging and the receipt to the bank and file a fraud complaint. You have 30 days for a debit card and 60 days for a credit card dispute.

USPS strikes again with their utter failures.