By alejita - 02/03/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I overheard my daughter compliment my mother by saying "My mom is way flabbier than you, Grandma." When I told her later that she hurt my feelings, she told me to "man up." She's seven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 130
You deserved it 9 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem is that you took offense at what your daughter said. Kids say things like that, and when they say them, they're usually true. What were you trying to do, give your daughter a guilt-trip? It obviously didn't work.

potatopeeler 0


earwig12 1

Jeez, man up for God's sake.

livelovemusic 0

hahaha man up, what a little pisser, i'd be proud. that girl is going to OWN every guy when she's older.

props for the daughter u should man up she was trying to make her grandma feel better

To bad next time she's crying you can't just say man up. You can't win with kids.

haha wow thats sooo funny but sad but still really really funny and i agree with 56

FlatBaby 0

Kids have a thing by jugding their parents =S They speak honestly, so.. Its your fault if you are flabby

dmipotc 0

i agree with your child, i think you should man up. Either take the comment and stop whining, or let the child know who's boss. p.s. your child is a legend, lol

Well, maybe you need to listen to your child and actually man up.

love4all4 0

I hate ur kid, but she got style.

bball1031boy 0

LMAO!! Best kid ever! Way to raise 'em mom!!