By alejita - 02/03/2009 05:52 - United States

Today, I overheard my daughter compliment my mother by saying "My mom is way flabbier than you, Grandma." When I told her later that she hurt my feelings, she told me to "man up." She's seven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 130
You deserved it 9 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The problem is that you took offense at what your daughter said. Kids say things like that, and when they say them, they're usually true. What were you trying to do, give your daughter a guilt-trip? It obviously didn't work.

potatopeeler 0


hawrnball 0

Sometimes it's okay to hit your children.

Haha, maybe you should discipline your kid.

serenitylater 0

Time to work off that flab, wouldn't you say? Kids at that age tend to be brutally honest because they haven't yet learned social graces. If being reminded of your flab bothers you, then get rid of it.

20- um.... jesus.... overreaction much... it's only in the western world weight standards are inforced so don't generalize like that. i'm a kid, not skinny and perfectly happy with all my love handles. we like girls healthy where i'm from :P

SFemily 0

That is pretty funny. Kids don't realize what they are saying sometimes. :)

Shouldn't you have taught her better? I hope you punished her

Wow, your kid really needs to learn to respect her parents. :/

I like that your kid is honest. She didn't say it to be mean or rude she just said what she thinks. The same thing happened with my younger brother who was about 3 when i was in my first year of college. He was visiting me and my roommates and we were trying to teach him the names of my 4 roommates, and when I asked him "and which one is Susan"? He pointed to her and said "The fat one". I felt terrible for her but it's true, lol. Kids lack tact, but it's only mean if you're used to people coddling and lying to you.