By broke_kid - 03/01/2010 13:18 - United States

Today, I noticed white stuff in my colored clothes as I transferred them from the washer to the dryer. That's when I realized that the white stuff is my paycheck which I had put in my pants earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 136
You deserved it 15 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So ask your work to stop payment on the cheque and issue another....?

blland 0

I made this face :O for like, 10 seconds, making the sounds of "AWWWW. AWWWWW."


So ask your work to stop payment on the cheque and issue another....?

cucuto89 0

yea exactly, thats why its a check, not cash.

The_White_Rabbit 0 tell your boss to void the check and get a new one? Couple days inconvenience, but not that big a deal...

Hugorgy 0

Always check your pockets before throwing clothing in the wash. You can only blame yourself in this situation. If money was that important to you, I doubt you'd forget your paycheck like that.

That doesnt make sense. Even if OP was the wealthiest person alive it still sucks to lose a check.

yea I always check my pockets before hand.. you should so that too..

blland 0

I made this face :O for like, 10 seconds, making the sounds of "AWWWW. AWWWWW."

luhvjb 0

happens all the time,I threw my brothers wallet in the washer & dryer last night.

YDI for using cheques. It's 21st century, nobody outside USA uses those anymore.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Because it's the OP's fault that the USA is the only place still using checks...

Yeah they do, my mom always does for everything, I get my paychecks and allowance/pocketmoney in check form. and I live in Europe.

people still uses checks all the time in canada too, especially to get paid

oh my god that sucks! but im sure you could tell your boss and get another??

YDI for not having your money directly deposited to your bank account.

betseyville 6

Some places don't offer direct deposit. My job doesn't and I washed my paycheck before. All you have to do is bring the damaged check and ask them to cut another one for you. They should do it for you.