By punmessiah - 04/07/2016 06:09 - United States - North Richland Hills

Today, I went to my friend's little brother's birthday party. A few of the younger kids were hitting me with a pool noodle, and I didn't really care until a 9-year-old loudly exclaimed, "Hit her in the pussy!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 661
You deserved it 1 043

punmessiah tells us more.

It was obvious this kid was spoiled and hardly, if ever, got punished. After a few other slurs from him, we tried to find his parents but just told my friend's mom since we couldn't find his. My friend's little sister(she's around 6) was also crying to her saying the same kid called her a bitch. The mom was saying she didn't know who's kid it was(the overall lack of supervision over there was astonishing) and she didn't want to punish him herself, else his parents popped up and made a scene.

Top comments

Kids these days. Did that little brat's parents hear?

screw that nonsense! your a child in my house disrespecting my kids and friends you'll get it from me. I would've made him call his parents and had him sit in the kitchen or something until they picked him up and I would've told them to come get their child and unless he learned some manners he was never to come to my house again. that's what's wrong with kids. parents don't discipline and let them be little brats.


no, they're little pricks that need to be hit with a belt.

ambersayshii123 17

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But it'd fit in her ******? Kinky dude.

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why did you censor the word **** on a website which is called **** my life? lol

the_boyo_cgw 10

why wouldn't you just buy one? they literally just screw on and off

If they hit you in the pussy, just buy a new one to screw on and off?

You were commenting on the detachable showerhead FML huh. Funny

Kids these days. Did that little brat's parents hear?

Who says kids weren't always using words like that? We just have the internet today which makes this stuff easier to hear about.

don't assume that the kid was a brat. it's very possible that they heard that from someone older and the parents just didn't realise until then.

until you realize that the little prick called a six year old a bitch and made her cry.

Just to clarify for #41, the OP commented to add that the kid also called a six year old a bitch.

Yep, with those flimsey "pool noodles", you pretty much have to score a direct hit to be effective

Kids+Access to the Internet=The end of children's innocence

Did they hit you in the pussy? If not, no problem!