By bdiddy - 11/07/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I moved in with my brother to save on a swanky apartment. I was skeptical as to how this would work out as we fought a lot as kids. Our first big fight? Whether or not to keep his dorm-style futon complete with Return of the Jedi sheets. He's a 35-yr old physician; I'm a 28-yr old lawyer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 745
You deserved it 11 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Lmfao. This is ******* awesome.

peter_man 0


Qwermy 16

The sheets are awesome and he let you move in with him so be grateful. Also you are sleeping on them not wearing them.

Ydi... Seriously. You move into his apartment to save money and go in there to change it all. He should kick you out. He's doing you a favour.

If it's his apartment, you don't really have a say in what he keeps.

If he is a physician and you are a lawyer, you guys can obviously afford your own places.

Pollito1718 18

You should not be picky. After all, you are moving in with HIM.

bleedingglitter 24

Living in New York really must be super expensive if a lawyer and a doctor can't get their own places.

They're bed sheets, not that big of a deal.

bandgeek845 10

Is your brother John Dorian?

You moved in with him. That makes me assume he is the primary name for the apartment. His apartment, his rules.