By bdiddy - 11/07/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I moved in with my brother to save on a swanky apartment. I was skeptical as to how this would work out as we fought a lot as kids. Our first big fight? Whether or not to keep his dorm-style futon complete with Return of the Jedi sheets. He's a 35-yr old physician; I'm a 28-yr old lawyer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 744
You deserved it 11 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

Lmfao. This is ******* awesome.

peter_man 0


If you're a lawyer, and he's a doctor, just buy your own place. Seriously, you have enough money.

I'm going to use this idea to write an awesome sit-com! One of them is a lawyer, one of them is a physician, they are brothers and they hate each other! But when a weekend of Las Vegas goes wrong they are forced to live together, will they be able to cope? Find out on "The Silly Brothers" Now airing on NBC!

Epikouros 31

Good idea, except that the OP is a woman. A mixed couple is more interesting for a sitcom, anyway. So it would be the 'Silly Siblings'.

The_Big_Mac 7

op needs to get off their cheap ass and get their own place. they're making a poor decision either way.

This fml rocks for two reasons 1: dude "swanky" is a freakin cool word and 2: i love OP's brothers "decor"

if your a lawyer, shouldn't you be able to afford an apartment. or a house?

X_o_X_ocutie 0

Swanky?? no one says that anymore, it's just like when parents say "hip"and "down with it"