Blanked it

By Saad Ahmed - 26/11/2022 02:00 - Pakistan - Islamabad

Today, I found out that yesterday's exam, which I left almost blank, had been leaked 3 hours prior. I hadn't been able to see it because my phone was out of juice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 227
You deserved it 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You failed the exam honestly. wait and see if the proctor knew it was leaked and fails all the others for cheating.

on the bright side, they'll figure out that the exam was leaked, and you should apply for a redo on the test early.


You failed the exam honestly. wait and see if the proctor knew it was leaked and fails all the others for cheating.

on the bright side, they'll figure out that the exam was leaked, and you should apply for a redo on the test early.

So, you got cheated out of your chance to cheat?