By hooligyn123 - 04/09/2012 08:53 - United States

Today, I'm quite ill. My new step-mother believes that the genetic wheat allergy I got from my mother would have gone away since she's now married to my father instead. Looks like dad picked a winner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 365
You deserved it 1 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be thankful that she isn't your doctor.

Isn't that how genetics works? Your hair and eyes can change color too!


Beauty but no brains. Can't win them all.

I want to be half black, I'm going to try to get my dad to marry a black woman. This is going to be so sweet. I bet I'll get taller, more athletic, and have an awesome skin tone. I can't wait.

kittenvks 11

Still won't be able to jump though, assuming you're white now. How do I know this? The cant jump gene is too dominant. Pop culture proved this when I was a kid :)

Damn, I am white now. Is not jumping really dominate over jumping? I didn't pay enough attention in biology.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

My friend acts dumb to impress guys. It's REALLY annoying, and it's also why I don't hang out with her much anymore. I can't handle the stupid, lol.

I once had a pregnancy scare with a girl like that... Turned out she was married... :/ she hadn't had sex with her husband in months and had a false positive for pregnancy the doc said it was between 4-6 weeks nearly the exact timeframe she spent with me.... Her biggest concern was that now that she was having sex with her hubby again that it might get his rare genetic disease if it was a boy.... Thank god it was not a real preggers moment or I would be the father of an idiot ... She thinks if you have sex while pregnant the kid will take after the dad if not then it will take after the mom... I feel your pain.

I hope she's at least attractive, extremely caring or very nice, cause she doesnt sound too bright.

14 - You may well be the greatest troll, or just a flat-out cuntnugget who deserves sandpaper-covered golf balls up their rectum.

I'd tell her how grateful I was I hadn't matrimonially inherited her stupidity, then. Then I'd wait for her to figure out what matrimony is.

Trevorhals 2

Irony I'm I'll today because of my wheat allergy and my mom doesn't believe I'm ill

Well apparently she is an ASS n a home wrecker

desireev 17

54- This doesn't necessarily make her a home wrecker. She could have won him over fair and square after he and OP's mom divorced! Just because the world is a ****** up place doesn't mean that everybody is guilty of an act of stupidity! Assume makes an ASS out of U and ME! Keep that in mind!