By Anonymous - 14/05/2014 20:43 - United States - Irmo

Today, I'm moving. While packing, I realized I hadn't seen my cat in a few hours. I called her and realized she was inside one of the hundreds of boxes in my house. I accidentally packed my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 317
You deserved it 17 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm guessing your cat jumped in when you weren't paying attention. My cat did that once and almost ended up in Colorado.

The_Phoenix1 6

Hahaha that is awesome, I would end up doing the same thing.

I can imagine OP just packing away while listening to music, her cat comes over and she picks it up, pets it, then puts it in the box and the cat just stares at OP as they closed and seal the box xD

That sounds like a commercial that use to run on tv

This is the best thing I've seen all day! Was the cat ok!?

Just poke a few holes into each box, the cat should be fine . , , , unless you viciously jab holes with a katana.