By nightfall8705 - 16/08/2017 13:05

Today, I snuck up behind my cousin and stole his drink. I took a sip, laughed and said, "haha, I got your drink!" He turned around with a giant, oozing cold sore on his lip and said, "haha, you got mouth herpes!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 361
You deserved it 7 093

nightfall8705 tells us more.

nightfall8705 33

Actually, it's not stolen, it really did happen, and it happened because my cousin is a thieving turd and needed a taste of his own medicine. And no I didn't actually touch the cup with my mouth so I don't have the mouth herpes. The more you know.

Top comments

It's okay, you probably already had the virus and just haven't had an outbreak yet, like a lot of people lol.


mudslutme 11

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really_dad? 14
mudslutme 11

There's been the exact same fml posted before. Numerous times.

It's okay, you probably already had the virus and just haven't had an outbreak yet, like a lot of people lol.

Well ydi. That is rude and just plain gross.

nightfall8705 33

Actually, it's not stolen, it really did happen, and it happened because my cousin is a thieving turd and needed a taste of his own medicine. And no I didn't actually touch the cup with my mouth so I don't have the mouth herpes. The more you know.

How did you take a drink without touching the cup/straw?

TheTexanHokage 4

Now people, what did we learn?

can you imagine​ having to explain to everyone that your cousin gave you an STD ?

irenke 14

You took a sip. How exactly did you "not touch your mouth to it?!"