By Anonymous - 15/10/2012 10:28 - United States - Richmond

Today, I learned from my daughter's teacher that she has been wearing the same shirt for the past few weeks, ever since we had a fight about how I don't pay attention to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 486
You deserved it 63 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sandinthewaves 5
ElhonnaDS 10

Well she proved her point- you clearly aren't paying attention.


KiddNYC1O 20

Your kids should be the top priorities in your life. Pay attention.

At least she didn't prove her point by getting knocked up by her step brother ... ;)

Time to take away the computer, make her start washing her own clothes, & stop whatever it is that takes your attention away from noticing that your daughter has got the manners of honey boo boo's family...unless you're into that sort of nastiness.

Why should the OP punish her daughter for proving that the OP was being a negligent parent? She didn't do anything wrong. She didn't throw fits, do drugs, sleep around, no, she wore a shirt. She proved her point in a non-destructive manner. It's entirely possible and honestly likely, based on the fact that it took WEEKS, before the school called, that the girl was washing the shirt over and over again specifically so she could wear it. Rather than wearing the same dirty shirt. I think the school would have called much sooner had the girl developed a stench. The fact that they didn't makes it more likely that the only reason they called is that it is a sudden strange behavior development that clearly points to issues in that girl's life.

Wow. I don't blame your daughter for telling you that.

nachosbabygurl 9

had u been paying attention 2 her u wod have knw the 2nd day she wore it n the teacher wodnt have had 2 tell u maybe u should pay more attention 2 het

Life_sucks_13 6

Yes it is disgusting but if it's an older kid and are smart enough they might actually wash it every night before wearing it again.