By Stuck - 08/09/2011 10:00 - United States

Today, I heard on a TV show that it's possible to fit a standard light-bulb in your mouth, but it can't be removed afterwards. I just had to try this out. And then visit the local hospital to get it removed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 336
You deserved it 67 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

Am I the only on who wants to test this now? Anyone? I guess it's just me then..


You could've inserted a piece of clothing that covered the lightbulb, then crushed it in the cloth.

you just couldn't leave it alone, could you?

poopdodo1234 4

Not so bright now are we? Huh? Ahahah

Soo you like putting big things in your mouth...o.Ô

Know how badly I want to try this now, but I am smarter then that ... btw can you put a video up of this :P

dollFehn 6

I read this and did it too. but I got it out myself ! ha !

lkrunner101 7

I feel tempted to try this now

perfectT_fml 0

I bet the people at the hospital had a great story to tell when they got off haha but sorry dude. How'd they get it out?

KaelaKhaotic 5

Lighten up a little. Things will get better. :]

RedPillSucks 31

Try it with a compact florescent bulb, next time