By bacon lovers worst nightmare - 26/09/2012 06:57 - United States - San Diego

Today, I heard of an inevitable world-wide bacon shortage on the news. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 102
You deserved it 5 869

Same thing different taste


F everyone's life! Even if you don't like bacon, you have to deal with the rest of us and our bacon withdrawals.

superLEXsunshine 3

FML for everyone!! And no-one deserves it this time!

Actually I think there can be a YDI somewhere. If people didn't eat so much meat there would't be this ridiculously high demand for huge factory farms that require tons of food for the animals (the shortage is because of a crop shortage so there isn't enough to feed the pigs). I'm not hating on meat eaters, but most people eat way too much animal products, and that really isn't individual peoples' faults, but rather society's. I think that a lot of our problems could be solved if people ate more fruits and veggies and only ate meat once a week or so (or even less, like once a month). This would help with obesity (and general health), environmental health, local farmers making ends meet, reduced animal cruelty, and more. Of corse anyone can eat whatever and however much they want, I'm just saying that if our culture didn't put so much value on meat and other animal products, we would have less issues to deal with.

Kallian_fml 21

I am completely against factory farming and I agree that people consume way more meat than they should, but once a week or less really isn't enough. I'd say more like 3 or 4 times a week, but only a serving size of meat (most people have way more than a serving, and meat is the main part of the meal).

It's not cruelty. It's a way of survival. I LOVE animals but even I know that there is no cruelty in killing animals for food. Now for fur, considering we have cotton and wool (YES I KNOW IT COMES FROM AN ANIMAL) we don't NEED it. People just buy and sell for profit and to look rich. ******* hate it.

You are sadly uninformed if you believe all the food at the market is cruelty-free. I'm not saying people shouldn't eat meat, but be aware that in some cases animals are practically tortured for it. Google it sometime.

Actually, the way many developed countries get their meats from cows and pigs are extremely cruel, what with the crowded slaughterhouses and the terrible conditions. That's the only time I ever agree with vegetarianism. However, I am a baco-vegetarian because damn my arteries.

nisse_fml 9

Few find the killing in itself not as aggravating as the treating of animals. Read "Eating animals" (or google for how pigs/chickens/any factory farmed animal are treated and you'll see. I'm loving bacon myself but haven't eaten it in 14 years trying to not help companies torture animals.

Um, -39... Cotton is grown in fields! Not off of the back of an animal.

@#85- He was saying he knows wool comes from animals, not cotton.

Either way, if the sheep weren't shorn for their wool on a regular basis, wouldn't they suffocate, or something? Geez, you may was well say that milking cows is cruel. At any rate, a few million people who will not eat meat products in order to save the animals are only doing more "harm" than accomplishing their objective by making meats and animal by-products cheaper at the market so the rest of us omnivores can buy even more. After all, we as humans didn't get to the top of the food chain by refusing to eat animals. If anything, write or sign a petition to take down farms that you know have abhorrent living conditions and buy free-range and/or organic products. Form a picket line - legally, of course. At least that would actually do something toward what you're trying to do.

163 - Milking cows often IS cruel...I'm not going to try and convert everyone and I don't plan on stopping drinking milk myself either I'm just saying, unless you're talking a small local farm, a good number of cows are kept in cramped conditions and over-milked until they're sore and get infections and often the calves they're producing it for don't even get a look in.

And 39, in a lot of countries (not like desert islands and poorer areas) you do not need to eat animals to survive. Have you never heard of a vegetarian?! Again, not particularly trying to argue either side, just saying it's ridiculous to say every human NEEDS it when people go their whole lives without eating it just fine. Sure the animal demographics would be different but that's not a bad thing, it's just nature.

From farm to fridge is what made me stop eating meat!!! So so disgusting how some farmers treat their animals

Also I'm just saying its a FORM of survival.

I agree but not ALL farmers are terrible.

gummy_bears1492 0

Yea I get it. Animal cruelty is bad, but seriously, you guys aren't doing any good by being vegetarians. The animals will be killed anyway. And it's actually really hard on your body.

StaceyMichelle 5

I disagree 280. I was a vegetarian for 8 years and felt way more healthy then. And red meat helps clog your arteries... so tell me how being a vegetarian is hard on your body? Also, the more vegetarians there are, the less meat is being sold in stores. The less meat is being sold, the less animals die.

296- It doesn't matter how many people buy or don't buy meats in stores. The same animals will be killed, regardless of who eats or doesn't eat them. The relation between supply and demand simply isn't as important to farmers when compared to books for example, considering that there will ALWAYS be a demand for animals and their by-products. Whether it's a supermarket chain or your local general store who buys it from the farmers is moot. Animal products will be sold off.

Kallian_fml 21

39- So, you're saying we should kill the animals, eat their meat, then throw away their furs because it would be cruel to make something out of them? I'm against cruelty to animals, but if you're going to kill something at least make the most of every part of it.

I don't really see how, as long as theres pigs there's bacon...

I heard farmers are planning like a mass cull of their livestock due to increased prices of feed. Or did I dream that?

Yes but the more pigs they slaughter each day. It's faster slaughtering pigs then there is breeding them. He's not saying they'll be no bacon he's saying they'll be a shortage. Not all farmers slaughter their piggies for bacon. yeah yeah thumb me down

Around my area most pig farmers stopped raising pigs because the cost to operate compared to the price they get paid for the pigs isn't worth it. So most of them have shut down.

I think we should just blame EpicMealTime :P

This made me laugh out loud literally :))

agonydrum 7

How dare you sir! those are wonderful people doing wonderful things with bacon!

xxlfatty08 4

What will wives around the world make us men for breakfast now.

Sitaaboo 6

Nooo! Noo more BLT's! What will I make me and my boyfriend now!

25- French toast with eggs and baco- oh, wait. French toast and sausag- crap. French toast and… Dammit! **** ALL of our lives.

HeyArnold91 8

Guess I need to buy an enormous amount of bacon and freeze it so I can enjoy bacon in 2050. On another note, a shortage of bacon would mean a shortage of pigs, right? :(

rawawicks66 10

The article was about a worldwide shortage of pork.Since bacon sounds better than pork, that's what it was entitled.

Per-capita consumption of pork is projected to go down ONE PERCENT. Read the news.

I bet it was all the vegetarians/vegans that clicked YDI haha.

Na, just in California. They're making the entire state vegetarian. Starting Nov 8th it will be illegal to eat meat.

Either you're retarded, or we need to rebel.

Oh great Bacon gods, why hast thou forsaken us?