By bacon lovers worst nightmare - 26/09/2012 06:57 - United States - San Diego

Today, I heard of an inevitable world-wide bacon shortage on the news. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 103
You deserved it 5 869

Same thing different taste


I knew it wasn't a big deal after seeing the headline but remembering I was reading the New York real news makes it into that rag

perdix 29

CTFD! Next year, bacon will be more expensive because of this year's drought. If you really love bacon, you'll happily put your money where you mouth is. Unless we have another drought next year, the price will go back to normal in 2014. Until then, you'll just have to put off medical procedures and your kid's college for a year to afford your 2013 bacon.

perdix 29

Actually, I just heard on the radio that the bacon shortage was predicted in Britain, but Canadian pig farmers say they will have plenty. Last generation, young men flocked to Canada to avoid being drafted into an unjust war. Now, they'll go their to stuff their fat faces full of greasy, smoky meat.

Lies! We need bacon! Quick get more pigs! D:

conman531 23

We need guns and ammo and food supply for this Apocalypse. Wait there's no bacon. No bacon=no food. :( we're all gonna die :(

There won't be an end to bacon unless there is a decrease in pigs etc. Although farming is coming to a close .

My life is officially over the day we start running out of bacon