By Anonymous - 03/08/2016 18:01 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, my car broke down in the middle of nowhere. I walked about 3 miles to the nearest house to call a tow truck. When I got back to where I left my car, it was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 252
You deserved it 1 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you're part of the world's greatest magic trick.

Sounds like the ominous Middle-of-Nowhere Triangle. Get out of there quickly!


Maybe the tow truck already retrieved it?

Even if it had, I'm assuming OP wanted to be with his car, rather than being stuck in the middle of nowhere

Still, I'd rather have my car towed than stolen…

anitak912 11

It was probably towed already?

Maybe you're part of the world's greatest magic trick.

michaelaranda 28

Clearly, we either have a very resourceful thief that just so happened to appear in the middle of god-knows-where, the tow truck got there before you got back, or there are some interdimensional shenanigans afoot.

Tow truck got there really quick I see.

Sounds like the ominous Middle-of-Nowhere Triangle. Get out of there quickly!

jcash52426 5

With out more info this is just speculation Did you leave the car unlocked because someone who knows car might have been able to fix it and steal it Did you have a spare key in the car. If car was open then again if they know cars might have stolen it. Maybe someone who has a tow truck stole it But hopefully the local tow truck just happens to be passing buy and took it back to the shop.

Did you at least have your phone so you could get the distance for your egg?

Considering the nearest house was 3 miles away, op could've been without cell service.

I think #8 is talking about hatching eggs in Pokemon Go, where you have to walk various distances to hatch them. Edit: Misunderstood previous replies. Disregard this comment.

He/she said that it was in the middle of nowhere. Do you think there would be cell service?

Not every "middle of nowhere" will have cell service. Most of them don't, in my experience.

Maybe it went to go find a princess. Because it was toad.

Here goes waiting for the "wall" comments.