Le Epic Bacon

By Anonymous - 28/02/2021 21:30

Today, after years of struggling with acne, I found out that it's caused by all the bacon I eat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 416
You deserved it 1 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aim to get the bacon into your mouth. Slathering it on your face might make your dog happy, but it's murder on your complexion.


Aim to get the bacon into your mouth. Slathering it on your face might make your dog happy, but it's murder on your complexion.

May just not be the bacon. Also it maybe the vegetable oils you cook it in.

It's the fatty foods and the oils from cooking. Acne from unhealthy foods (should be universally) common knowledge, like Rodville deduced.

You shouldn't be adding cooking oils to bacon, it's creates its on cooking grease.

bobsanction 18

How much bacon are you eating?!

You're lucky to be able to pinpoint the cause of your acne to one food, or even to food. I know people who eat super healthy, clean their face twice a day, and still have acne. Heck, I know such people who have acne and wrinkles.