By Soapy - 06/04/2017 16:00

Today, I got a gift from my ex-boyfriend who's currently studying abroad. He got me a really creepy snowglobe for my "collection" as a sweet gesture, maybe to win me back. Except I don't collect snowglobes. He'd confused me with the girl he cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 786
You deserved it 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What I am wondering now, is what the 'creepy' thing is about your snowglobe


What I am wondering now, is what the 'creepy' thing is about your snowglobe

andriod18 4

Same here , what's so creepy about it? Either way I say bump it and keep it! He'll figure out his mistake sooner or later

Maybe now is the time to start collecting creepy snow globes.

That's a sure way to win back the woman you cheated on--send her a gift that the woman you cheated on her with would love.

I still don't understand how some people are so stupid.

Send the snow globe to this other girl, you can bond over what a screaming shitlord he is.