By ToInsecure4me - 10/11/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, I had to stay late at work. My husband made me take a video of myself punching out, to prove I wasn't cheating on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 024
You deserved it 6 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

does he have reason to believe you are cheating?

perdix 29

He's just stalling so he can get rid of his girlfriend before you get home. It's usually guilty people who are the most suspicious of their spouses.


Istalkrexgar2000_fml 0

I'm not even going to lie. That's something I would do, but I have a legit reason to suspect shit.

Poetaster 10

Get marriage counseling now. Don't wait. Get it now. Stop reading this and GET counseling !!!

Wayne913 13

Tell him you're not cheating, and if he does not believe you, leave him.

Shawme 6

This isn't right. It's the start of abuse. I've been there, Get out now!

caysters 12

In my experience, if you have done nothing to deserve his reaction, yet he reacts this way, it's most likely because hes the one cheating... If you deserve this reaction, then ydi. If you don't deserve it, then fyl.

What is "punching out?" never heard that term

Poetaster 10

Punching out on the time clock. It time stamps your departure

I wouldn't even do it. Why would you marry someone who is that paranoid of you cheating on them? That could be a whole lot of trouble. Unless you've cheated before then I would still be wondering why you would be together

so you spent 20 seconds to make the love of your life feel better. spending your life with someone is about both of you making sacrifices to get a reward: a lifetime of happiness

Is your partner the one who's cheating? Sometimes those doing the deed are too quick to accuse others..

i dont think we are getting the whole story... and that wouldnt prove anything if it was someone from work you could have done it there then punched out