Thanks for the support

By Anonymous - 15/03/2021 20:30 - Canada - Dartmouth

Today, I came home upset about the sexism in my work place. I just wanted to be alone, but my husband insisted we talk about it. I noticed he kept looking over and one of his hands was moving. He was playing video games the entire time I was spilling my guts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 104
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gidonene 7

so he was still perfectly listening to you have you never played video games before

You mean he didn't insist on you making him dinner and washing his underpants? You've got a keeper!


You mean he didn't insist on you making him dinner and washing his underpants? You've got a keeper!

mando 10

She should have grabbed his joystick and helped him play.

ojoRojo 27

Definitely thought you were gonna say he was jerking off so I guess this is a little better

gidonene 7

so he was still perfectly listening to you have you never played video games before

I won't disagree, but when you're making someone talk to you about something important you should focus on them. If you have ADHD grab a stim toy, it's just polite if YOU ask them to.

Yeah kinda shitty about your husband, shouldve asked him to pause the game first. Have you tried talking to hr about the harassment in the workplace?

Jigglygigglingpuff 3

Really thought relationships/marriages were about communication and respect. Kinda shitty he thought “yeah gaming is just a little more important than the crap going on at your work place so I’m just gonna pretend to listen” hope you gave him crap for it.