Any damage? Who nose?

By Anonymous - 09/07/2019 07:00 - Colombia - Bogot?

Today, it's the seventh day after my nose job. I was taking something out of a box and pulled too hard. I punched myself in the nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 505
You deserved it 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I just got a nose job too, I feel your pain!

BigSissy 14

So sorry, sounds like something I would do.


I just got a nose job too, I feel your pain!

BigSissy 14

So sorry, sounds like something I would do.

I work at UPS loading trailers. A handful of times my hand slipped off of a package as I was lifting it and hit myself in the face. Sometimes it's annoying, other times I laugh at myself.