By Renderfist - 06/07/2017 18:30

Today, I had to comfort my wife after she found out that her boyfriend wasn't faithful to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 826
You deserved it 1 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Taylor Caldwell 10

How is this not a real fml?! I mean unless you were in an open relationship and had okayed this other relationship then that really sucks

jgiles09 17

ermmmmmmmmmm say again? you had to comfort her wtf!!! had to?! comfort?! yes more info needed


Please tell me the way chose to comfort her was asking for a divorce

Oh the irony lol xD. But seriously, kick her ass to the curb.

Vesi 29

OK.. There definitely needs to be more info here before deciding which to hit. OP could very well be in an open/poly relationship but if that is the case, why was the wife demanding the BF be faithful? Good for the goose, good for the gander. Now, if the BF was *lying* to her and it's a poly situation, yeah that's not cool. Honesty and complete transparency is *required* for an open/poly situation to keep all partners safe. Honestly OP, I hope this was the case. If this was supposed to be monogamous, lawyer up.

If your marriage is not open, by mutual choice, where you also benefit from it, this is not only an FYL moment, but holy ****, please stop being a dish rag! Dump her!

lethalalbatross 5
sparklevibes 14

I'm hoping by "comfort", you mean "kicked her out the door." Walk away OP!

why are you comforting her? slap her then leave her

Did he mean to say confront? Because I read it as confront until I read the comments. This needs a follow-up