By Anonymous - 06/07/2017 21:00 - Italy

Today, I had to have knee surgery. When I woke up, I found myself with a bandage around my head. The surgeon explained to me that one of the students in the operating room had fainted during the procedure, falling over and head-butting me on her way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 761
You deserved it 248

Top comments

Who knew that knee surgery would be such a headache?

Find that girl and marry her! The "so how did you two meet" story would be so good, it'd be worth it for that alone!


Who knew that knee surgery would be such a headache?

Lobby_Bee 17

Hard to tell which head you are referring to. Is it wrong to assume the one closest to your knee?

Find that girl and marry her! The "so how did you two meet" story would be so good, it'd be worth it for that alone!

Droplet20 8

You did a bad thing here... You made me laugh out loud while I should be asleep :D

Adeline90 10

Did she manage to give you a hard bump on the head? Or did she break your head? How bad was it?

RollingToTheTop 4

I would sue or refuse to pay the bill. I'm surprised they even told you it was their fault. Seems like a carefully wrapped lawsuit tied in a big hospital themed bow has been placed in your gift pile.

This was the most idiotic thing I've ever read

Imagine how ridiculous you sound telling OP to sue someone for passing out.

That's ONE way to put some heads together...

Haven't we had an FML like this before...?

Waiting for the fml 'Today after 3 years and $75k in med school debt I witnessed my first surgery. I fainted and landed on the patient injuring him. Guess I won't be a doctor after all...'

tolkien897 15